Dr. Haubitz GmbH & Co. KG
Innovation. Flexibilität. Schnelligkeit.
Systemkomponenten für die Automobilindustrie

Material supply and preparation at Dr. Haubitz

Accurately scheduled right from the start – to ensure your project is a deserved success

When it comes to ensuring smooth project processes, we emphasise exact planning. To ensure this, we employ a state-of-the-art ERP system (enterprise resource planning) and operating-data logging software. This enables us to organise our procurement activities in good time and in the right quantities as required.

Materials supplies

  • Raw materials store with 4 silos of 28 t capacity, octabin storage, etc.
  • FIFO storage logic
  • Self-colouring of plastics to customers' requirements (well over 100 colour shades in use)

Material preparation

  • Continuous dry-air drying in three dryers
  • Gentle, process-capable drying with state-of-the-art controllers
  • From here, the materials are transferred to the individual injection moulding machines using vacuum conveyors

If you would like to know more about our material supply and preparation techniques or if you have queries about our products and services, please contact us. Use our contact form or send us an email.We look forward to advising you.