Dr Haubitz is now TISAX certified, which means we have now reached the next level in information security. We are now able to verify that we meet the highest safety standards for the automotive industry and deliver the highest…
We have decided to cover our electricity needs for our production facilities with 100% green electricity. In this way, we are helping sustainably to conserve the resources of our environment.
As a company with energy-intensive production processes, we are committed to making a major contribution to our preservation of the environment. A further milestone has now been reached in reducing CO2 emissions. Our new…
In order to ensure the safety of all employees and to maintain the ability to supply our customers, the company introduced appropriate protective measures at a very early stage. The spectrum ranges from compliance with hygiene…
After a range of different welding systems, we have now extended our tried-and-tested joining process to include the HGW process. HGW – hot gas welding The welding seam of the components is plasticized by hot inert gas and…
We have developed an additional technology to series production standard with which metallic inserts can be embedded in thermoplastic components subsequently to their manufacture. Heat is applied to the insert by contact and…
For over half a century, "Aktion Mensch" has been campaigning for a society in which differences are accepted as normal. The charity supports around 1000 social projects every month in Germany. Since its founding, "Aktion…