Dr. Haubitz GmbH & Co. KG
Innovation. Flexibilität. Schnelligkeit.
Systemkomponenten für die Automobilindustrie

Guiding principles underlying the quality and corporate policy of Dr. Haubitz GmbH & Co. KG

Quality assurance principles


  • We supply our customers with high-grade products.
  • We embrace quality.


  • We want our customers to be satisfied. We achieve that aim by supplying products whose quality meets and even exceeds their expectations.
  • We consider the will to implement our zero-defect strategy to be an obligation for all in our enterprise.
  • Our products and processes are founded on international standards and customer-specific requirements, bolstered by our own experience and know-how. The ability of our staff to implement and adhere to these forms the basis of our high-quality products.
  • Defect avoidance has priority over defect detection.
  • We insist that our suppliers conform to the same high quality standards that our customers expect of us.

Occupational safety principles


  • The safety and health of our staff are paramount.
  • All their workplaces are designed and equipped to be ergonomic and health-promoting.
  • Prevention as part of occupational health & safety is an obligation we take seriously.


  • Our objective is the continual improvement of our employees' occupational health & safety.
  • Compliance with all regulations and legislation is a basic premise in our daily work. Open dialogue with customers and the authorities is an important factor.
  • Production equipment is planned and used in such a way that our employees are not subjected to hazards.
  • Any accidents, including close misses, are recorded, analysed and evaluated to enable us to apply suitable actions to prevent them happening again.

Environmental principles


  • We protect our environment in all our processes.
  • We advocate and apply the efficient use of natural resources.


  • Compliance with all regulations and legislation is a basic premise in our daily work.
  • Our objective is the continual improvement of our company's environmental fingerprint.
  • We protect natural resources, minimise emissions and prevent waste through our careful, dedicated approach.

Principles of information security


  • We support business processes with the aim of achieving our targets.
  • We want our stakeholders to be reliable partners.
  • We are committed to continuous improvement of our information security.


  • To enable us to ensure reliable delivery scheduling and availability, we rely on a stable, dependable IT infrastructure.
  • The personal responsibility of our employees is a key factor in our information security philosophy.
  • All the requirements contained in standards and legislation have to be observed and applied.

Fundamentals of risk reduction


  • We assess, monitor and minimise risks efficiently.
  • We maintain keen awareness for risks in all our process steps.


  • Risks are monitored throughout the entire process chain.
  • We routinely apply specially developed processes to identify, evaluate and eliminate risks.
  • Our employees' personal responsibility and awareness are a crucial factor in identifying risks.
  • All the requirements contained in standards and legislation have to be observed and applied.